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If Sugita Hisajo also writes novellas and tanka first, the author then specializes in the haiku genre and quickly has a reputation for being a multi-layered poet. Hisajo, whose temperament and outlook on life differed greatly from her husband's character, lived in an unhappy marital relationship. Her artistic urge to create was incompatible with her intended role as an obedient wife. She takes refuge in a world of sensuality, where colors, shapes and sensory impressions set the tone.

Der Herbst ist da

SKU: 978-3-943117-06-6
  • Author: Sugita Hisajo
    Cover / Illustrations: Olag Schmor
    German adaptation: Fumie Miyata
    Bilingual edition: German / Japanese
    Format: 13x10cm
    48 pages, hardcover, printed in color
    First edition: October 2019
    ISBN: 978-3-943117-06-6

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