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Bergmann, Hilda

Bergmann, Hilda

9. November 1878, Prachatitz (Österreich-Ungarn) - 22. November 1947, Åstorp (Schweden)

Hilda Bergmann was born in Prachatitz, in southern Bohemia, on 9 November 1878. After attending elementary and secondary school, she began training as an elementary school teacher in 1894, which she completed in 1898 at the Zivil-Mädchen-Pensionsschule in Vienna. She mainly wrote poems and short stories, which were characterised by the beauty of their language. In prose, the author mainly published legends and fairy tales. In 1908, she married the widower Alfred Kohner. He brought a son into the marriage. With the "Anschluss" of Austria, the family emigrated to Sweden in 1938. Bergmann quickly learnt the local language and from then on worked as a translator. After the Second World War, she fell seriously ill and died on 22 November 1947. Three days after her death, her husband took his own life. Her grave is in the cemetery in Astorp/Björnekulla.


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