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Beutler, Margarete

Beutler, Margarete

13. Januar 1876, Gollnow (Deutschland) - 3. Juni 1949, Gammertingen (Deutschland)

Margarete Beutler was born on 13 January 1876 as the daughter of the mayor of Gollnow and grew up first in Gollnow and later in Berlin, where she attended a teacher training college. She worked as a poet and translator from French. After the birth of her first son, she moved to Munich, where her second son was born, and worked as an editor for the magazine "Jugend". In 1907, Beutler married the writer Kurt Friedrich Freksa and became part of the so-called Munich bohemian scene with him. After their separation, she lived in seclusion in Dachau and on Lake Starnberg. In 1933, under the rule of the National Socialists, the author decided against joining the Reichsschrifttumskammer (Reich Chamber of Writers) and thus renounced further publications. Her last years were characterised by poverty. She died on 3 June 1949 in a nursing home in Gammertingen.


Bücher von Margarete Beutler

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