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Lasker-Schüler, Else

Lasker-Schüler, Else

Else Lasker-Schüler is considered to be one of the most important authors of modern times. Born in Wuppertal in 1869, she moved to Berlin after her marriage in 1894, where she completed an apprenticeship in drawing. In 1903 she divorced and married the writer Georg Lewin that same year. In 1911 the collection of poems, Meine Wunder, was published, which made her famous throughout Germany. The second divorce in 1912 and the death of her only son Paul in 1927 plunged the author into a crisis. After being assaulted in 1933, she emigrated to Switzerland; In 1938 her German citizenship was revoked. In 1939 she traveled to Palestine and died in Jerusalem on January 22, 1945 after a heart attack.


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