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The illustrated volume of poetry "DIE KATZE " by Hugo Ball, published in 2014, has been re-published in an annotated version and expanded to include the poem " O MARIETTA-KRIPISTIKA ".

“Hugo Ball, Marietta and Klabund met often. The three of them made joke poems ... As soon as they were alone in the Café Stefanie or after dinner in the garden of the Max Emanuel Brewery, they took out their pencils to fence common verses on paper. To do this, they invented a pseudonym and said they were poems by Klarinetta Klaball. "

Die Katze und O Marietta-Kripistika

SKU: 978-3-943117-05-9
VAT Included |
  • Author: Hugo Ball
    From: "Gesammelte Gedichte" (1963)
    Illustrator: Nele Aron
    Format: 17x24 cm
    Perfect binding, 48 pages
    New edition: September 2019
    ISBN: 978-3-943117-05-9

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