Erckmann-Chatrian achieved their first successes between 1856 and the beginning of the 1860s with fantastic stories that appeared in various Parisian newspapers, such as Le bourgmestre en bouteille (1856), Requiem du corbeau (1856), Le Cabaliste Hans Weinland (1860) and the Fantastic short novel Hugues-le-Loup (1860). All of these stories often let something latent in reality appear for a short time and thus expose the ideal world of everyday life. The uncanny that appears just as quickly as it disappears is often the animal in humans.
Die Drei Seelen / Les trois âmes
- Author: Erckmann-ChatrianFrom: "Contes fantastiques", Paris: Hachette, 1860Bilingual edition: German / FrenchFrom the French by: Lothar SchmidtCover / layout and illustrations: Klaus HenniesFormat: 11x17.5 cm,Perfect binding, 162 pagesFirst edition: November 2018ISBN: 978-3-943117-00-4