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Influenced by the natural philosophy of the Chinese Taoist sage Chuangzi, Basho's work contemplated the rhythms and laws of nature. Later he developed his own poetic principle by drawing on the concept of wabi-sabi, a kind of spare, lonely beauty. When he reached his 40s, Basho abandoned his career in favour of travelling throughout Japan. He published evocative accounts of his travels, but his collection The Narrow Road to the Deep North,  detailing his journey throughout Tohoku in 1689, is the most famous.

Winter Solitude

Artikelnummer: 978-3-943117-85-1
7,50 €Preis
inkl. MwSt. |
  • Autor: Matsuo Basho
    Englische Fassung: Bob While
    Graphisches Design und Layout: Tony Vera
    Vier illustrierte Haikus mit Extraseiten zur eigenen Gestaltung
    Format: 13x10 cm,
    Hardcover, farbig bedruckt, 25 Seiten
    Erste Auflage: Februar 2015
    ISBN: 978-3-943117-85-1

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