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"As with all great creative minds, Basho saw the whole range of arts and crafts as an expression of the Creative Spirit. The freshness that permeates the haiku poetry of Japanese Poet Matsuo Basho continues to endure centuries after it was composed. "His unique style of describes the essence of our daily life - that which is going on in front of our eyes every second - but still leaves us wondering."

Don´t imitate me

SKU : 978-3-943117-86-8
7,50 €Prix
  • Auteur : Matsuo Basho
    Version anglaise : Bob While
    Conception graphique et mise en page : Tony Vera
    Quatre haïkus illustrés avec des pages supplémentaires pour votre propre design
    Format : 13x10cm,
    Couverture rigide, imprimée en couleur, 25 pages
    Première édition : septembre 2015
    ISBN : 978-3-943117-86-8

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